Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven


by Lloyd on 27.04.08
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I’m finishing of my reflection of my conflict resolution course which I take. Does reflection work? The course that uses many of the methods that would be used in traditional non-formal educational systems.

My content thought is can you use non-formal methods in the formal systems of University or structured state education. Does formalising non formal kill it?

My feeling is that although the surface part of many of these methods works in any setting as corporate trainings who use them for business men and women would should, the basic transformational, socialist and radical elements of non-formal education cannot be true in these oppressive systems.

Liberating education can only take place in a liberated surroundings otherwise surely it just becomes a tool for the oppressor the oppressed better – this surely isn’t the point.

In the European Youth Forum, for which i am the representative from the British Youth Council, we have recently received a paper to adopt which looks at putting a frame work of education for the non-formal sector.

I have my major concerns about this kind of formalising. inspections, quotas, and state intervention is surely just another way to prevent eduction to be truly transformational and liberating for the young people it is used with.

We will put, with other youth organisations, admendments to remove the “inspections” element the paper. However as European states move towards formalising and structuring will this just be a loosing battle?

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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