Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven

Brighton Public Toilets threatened by Green Party

by Lloyd on 12.01.12
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The draft budget from the Green Administration of Brighton and Hove City Council is proposing to close 9 public toilets and reducing the level of attendance at 6 others. The Labour Group has launched a campaign, LOLA (Leave our Loos Alone), with the support of Hilary Benn MP (Shadow Secretary for Communities and Local Government). Toilets are a basic public service and are essential for parents of young children, older people, and people with medical conditions such as crohns and colitis.

We are hoping to present a signed petition at a Council Meeting on Thursday 26th January, so please sign our e-petition, and show the Green Administration that Public Loos are there for a purpose and need to continue to be provided.

In addition we are also supporting a campaign by local busineses and traders against the over 100% increase in Business parking permit and trader costs. These rises will damage small businesses and be bad for the local economy. The petition can be found at on the Brighton & Hove Council website.

Can I urge you to sign both petition and pass it on to friends and neighbours.

With thanks for your support

Nigel Jenner
Campaigner, Brighton and Hove Labour Party


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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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