Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven


by Lloyd on 03.08.12

Protest At Lewes Station – Save the Railways – Saturday 4th August

Remember the disaster that was Beeching…..Trains are busier than at any time since the 1920s. They are going to get busier still. Should we be looking to make them pay or ensure they continue as an efficient public service. The McNulty Report about to be used by Government in an attack on...

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by Lloyd on 08.07.12

Austerity Means – Money Money Money

Austerity - benefits and credit claimants Incapacity benefit claimants; in Lewes it is estimated that of 2300 existing claimants, 736 will be designated as fit for work following reassessment. Lone parents whose youngest child is aged 5 or above are now receiving jobseekers allowance requiring them...

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by Lloyd on 23.05.12

More Hiring…. NOT Firing | Beechcroft Report

Yesterday afternoon, a 6,000-strong letter was delivered to Vince Cable at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, saying we need more hiring, not more firing. The timing couldn’t have been more crucial. Last year, David Cameron asked a venture capitalist called Adrian Beecroft, who...

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by Lloyd on 23.05.12

Lewes Independent Councillors – Are they Independent?

Lewes loves an independent, and recent weeks has seen in  the local papers articles on a number of local independent councillors.  But just how independent are they? What are Ms O’Keefes links with the Tories. why is it they feel so comfortable as to have her as Vice Chair of The District...

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by Lloyd on 23.05.12

IMF tells Tories – Growth not Austerity

Ed Milliband and Ed balls were right after all, The French say it, The Greeks shout it but no one wanted to Listen to Labour,.Austerity doesn’t work, cut to hard and too fast and you ruin the economy, put people on the dole and blight the future of our young people. The International Monetary...

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by Lloyd on 05.04.12

Budget 2012 – “cynical deluded and regressive”

The Tories with their LibDem friends have given us a budget which is cynical, deluded and regressive (Larry Elliot The Guardian 22.3.12) Those with an income of £1 million will get an extra £42,500; those with an income of £150,000 will get an extra £10,000, while those with an income of...

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by Lloyd on 11.03.12

Poorest hit hardest by housing benefit changes

Lib Dem = Con The Lib Dem collaborators like to talk tough about taxing the rich, when in fact its the poor who are footing the bill in the Con Dem cuts. From next April, maximum Housing Benefit allowances will be cut, alongside the capping of benefits for all households despite their real...

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by Lloyd on 08.03.12

A Million Young People Unemployed

A MILLION YOUNG PEOPLE NOW UNEMPLOYED UNDER THE TORIES With over a million young people now out of work, Labour has launched a clear plan to create and support new jobs for the next generation. The Tories’ economic policies have resulted in over 1 million young people now being unemployed. In...

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by Lloyd on 07.03.12

Add your Labour or Union Meeting or Event to our events calendar

Look out for our new Labour Movement Events Calendar, you can add events here (they will need to be approved). So if you have an event you want listing please submit via our events page. Don’t forget to give time and location details so we can add the location to or database and get google...

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by Lloyd on 04.03.12

Get The tories to drop the Health Bill – Sign the petition

The Government is planning the biggest re-organisation of the NHS since it began in 1948. It is unnecessary, unwanted, wasteful and damaging – and threatens to end the NHS as we know it. Only last year, the Government promised people they wouldn’t do it. Many thousands of people have already...

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by Lloyd on 12.01.12

Are the Greens divided in Lewes

Its a simple enough question, with a lead Green Councillor: Matt Kent leaving the Green Party fold to become an independent.  We have to ask why he felt the need to leave after being committed to the green cause.  What would so put him off, what would divide the Greens.  In Lewes they seem...

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by Lloyd on 12.01.12

Brighton Public Toilets threatened by Green Party

LOLA - LEAVE OUR LOOS ALONE! The draft budget from the Green Administration of Brighton and Hove City Council is proposing to close 9 public toilets and reducing the level of attendance at 6 others. The Labour Group has launched a campaign, LOLA (Leave our Loos Alone), with the support of Hilary...

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by Lloyd on 09.01.12

There is no place like home

 You may have heard the news that under this Tory-led Government, there has been a 17% increase in the number of families losing their homes. These aren’t just dry statistics – they are real families facing homelessness.  The Government must change course, stop cutting too far and too fast...

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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