Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven

Universy of Bradford Union

by Lloyd on 15.06.09

Solidarity for Justice for SOAS Cleaners- Stop Deportations, occupation.

Dear students, and staff of SOAS,Today the University of Bradford Union meet to discuss the deportations of cleaners at the School of African and Oriental Studies, London. We want to send our solidarity greeting to you.We were both shocked and appalled to hear last week that the University had been...

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by Lloyd on 26.03.09

A march for Free Education but NUS fails to step forward

On a cold February morning about 60 students from Bradford set off to London to make their mark in the start of the free education ahead of the government review on University fees.With mounting evidence that graduates will not earn significantly higher than non-graduates the reasons for going to...

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by Lloyd on 26.03.09

Bradford hosts: War-refusers – the other Israel

On Monday 9th March about 40 Students gathered to hear Tamar Katz talk about her experiences being jailed for refusing to fight in the Israeli army. Tamar, a high school student, was drafted in to the army but told her story about how a group of school students and her joined a small but growing...

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by Lloyd on 20.02.09

Join the fight for Free Education

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by Lloyd on 30.01.09

Songs for Palestine

Last night I want to the Topic Folk Club, the oldest surviving folk club in the world. It was a great night, as always, and enjoyable. I would recommend that anyone around on a Thursday head off to the IDL - Bradford Irish Club and enjoy the night.At the night, John Waller sang a song in the...

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by Lloyd on 28.01.09

Bradford Students sit in for Gaza

Yesterday after a peaceful demonstration outside the library and a walk to the Vice Chancellors office just under 100 students (see in the photo on the right) decided to occupy the University Boardroom.This action was taken by the students after they felt that the University had not fulfilled the...

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by Lloyd on 21.10.08

Report for Unoin Council

Well what a year it has been, we have had a stronger Welcome week, a packed programme and more engagement. I want to draw councillors attention to three things. National Union of Students and Elections We have just had the elections of the National Union of Students Delegates as well as other...

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by Lloyd on 21.09.08

Call for a national demonstration against top-up fees and for living grants, spring 2009

Please support this statement and get involved in organising the demonstration I am part of Education not for Sale a campaigning and anti-capitalist part of the student movement in the UK to find out more then please go to – a right not a privilege No to...

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by Lloyd on 11.07.08

A bright future for UBU but will NUS get it right?

I've just come out of the University Council meeting where the Union presented it's way forward for both services and finances.It was I would say a success but it still has its dangers along in the process of greater collaboration for the Union and the University. I have always believed in reform I...

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by Lloyd on 08.07.08

Handing Over

It's that time of year again when Sabbatical teams in Students' Union up and down the country hand over. This year though it is me that is staying wile the others go.We changed a lot this year and in order of the new people here they are pictured right.right to left:Alex Wilson - Media and Ents...

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by Lloyd on 08.06.08

Education Not for Sale – Campaigning on what matters.

At the first committee meeting of the new ENS we discussed things that actually matter. ENS was reinvigorated at its “Reclaim the Campus” Conference held last month at Birkbeck College the conference defended in to factional infighting, leading to me calling for us to save the left before we...

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by Lloyd on 07.06.08

Students fighting Climate Change

University of Sussex Students' Union held the national gathering of students for Climate Change and the Student Movement this weekend. The meeting was really an achievement for a students' union to hold such an event.The speakers on the days where really great. I was totally impressed in how Sussex...

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by Lloyd on 24.05.08

Can’t get me i’m part of the Union

Well this was almost the accusation that Security put against me when they tried to take me to disciplinary at the University of Bradford. I have been to out spoken about appalling figures of security guards on petrol against sitting in the video room. I have not cooperated when they have tried to...

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by Lloyd on 18.05.08

Reclaim the left

Education Not for Sale (ENS) and its incarnation as the broad platform is something of much debate at the Reclaim the Campus conference at Birkbeck College.On Saturday about 50 students from around the UK representing radical students from up and down the college gathering to work out the terms of...

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by Lloyd on 10.05.08

Fun on the Amphitheatre

Well, what lovely weather we are having at the moment! So in a glee, hop and a skip students have been heading down to the University of Bradford's Amphitheater (seen here on the right had side)Students traditionally have always enjoyed a BBQ, camp-fire and playing football, cricket or other sports...

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by Lloyd on 05.04.08

National Union of Students? or Factions!

Well we have arrived back from the NUS Annual Conference. I will write later on I'm more detail about it all but the basics are that the Governance didn't pass!What review I hear you cry! Well that my be exactly the point. The NEC (or well the Labour and OI part of the NEC) pushed forward plans for...

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by Lloyd on 05.04.08

Thank you

Thank you everyone who voted for me. I was elected with over 50% of the vote. It was a good race, and for all those who got involved you will know that there were problems. They have been sorted now and I hope to go in to the year ahead making the Union relevant, radical, campaigning but

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by Lloyd on 01.02.08

Election to the Union Secretary-Treasurer

Hello, I’m Lloyd, at present an Officer at the Union. I am re-standing for Union Secretary-Treasurer because I believe that we need to keep on track to win our Union back. I have a track record for reform, renewal, and reinvigoration and have reclaimed our union for students not factions. I am...

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by Lloyd on 18.07.07

Part of the Union

Well I've just started the job at the University of Bradford Union I'm the new Internal Affairs officer for the union. For this job I have to do the democracy of the union. Starting at the union has been interesting. While other sabbatical starting are learning the ropes find this prolonged hand...

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by Lloyd on 01.03.07

Letter to staff about trans motion

After us managing to get the gender equality (trans) motion though our union council I have posted a letter to all staff explaining the implication these changes. I'm sure that over the following weeks the changes will be put in place and we will be able to not only claim to compile fully with the...

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by Lloyd on 22.02.07

Discrimination against trans students – passed

The motion that last night got passed is passed bellow, this is a real step in the right direction, at last the union is responsive to the needs of the minority's I'm chuffed seeing the problems that this motion faced when it was originally before council that we got this though, thanks to everyone...

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by Lloyd on 14.02.07

UBU Insider – Febs Column for Kinetic

Sitting here in the bar, I‘m pretending to do my work. Despite having a deadline tomorrow, I’ve turned to writing this month’s column for Kinetic. Well, there’s been some major changes to the university since the last issue. Shearbridge Green has been eaten up by the giant lizard they call...

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by Lloyd on 09.12.06

Letter to the Student Newspaper

Bellow is an extract of the letter I today wrote to the UBU student union newsletter, Kinetic MagEveryone in your Union works hard to ensure that we meet the needs of every student at the University. I believe strongly that we must fight for people’s right to choose how they live their lives....

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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