Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven

A new politics

by Lloyd on 02.05.17


  • by Gabriel Mills | 07.05.2017 at 9:25 am

    Thank you for acknowledging Green support in Kemptown constituency on 8 June.

    As a Green I am very heartened by the range of causes we have in common — far more than our differences: and the need for Proportional Representation not least. Though we would be unable to omit mentioning the extreme urgency of climate change and the huge potential of carbon-reduction for job-creation, if taken seriously.

    Let’s hope our Progessive Alliance delivers on 8 June, with a further 50 percent of Green votes behind Labour in 2017: in 2015 Nancy Platts got only the first 50 percent!

    However there is still reason for concern that even with a further 3,000 Green votes going to Labour in Kemptown in 2017, the result may be extremely close: given (from recent polls of voter inentions) a projected loss of 10 percent of 2015 Labour votes plus a third of 2015 UKIP votes — all going to the Tories.

    Kemptown Greens will be doing our best in a common cause to avert the re-election of Simon Kirby.

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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