Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

Handing Over

by Lloyd on 08.07.08
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It’s that time of year again when Sabbatical teams in Students’ Union up and down the country hand over. This year though it is me that is staying wile the others go.

We changed a lot this year and in order of the new people here they are pictured right.

right to left:
Alex Wilson – Media and Ents (was Communications), me – Secretary – Treasurer (was split), Olga Savina – Academic Affairs (no change), Katie Moore – Student Activities (now includes UCAN), Sophia Coles Riley – Ethics, Environment and Welfare (new post) and Nadia Chergui Women’s Liberation (was just Women’s).

We have been handing over to the new roles and just getting to know the new team. Today we did the Belbin Team Roles exercises (you can do it here We all agreed that some of them where very useful. I have used these before both in the Peace Students Dept when I’m working as a trainer in different situations such as at the Falken house in Berlin.

I came out as a strong Shaper which is very smiler to how I act in exec. We have had a heated recently with issues such as the military on the campus coming up and me taking a clear and strong stance on ethical issues.

I would recommended that others take the test it is just a bit of fun but something that is useful all the same.

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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