Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven


by Lloyd on 13.09.10

The World Youth Conference – Review and reflection, were do we take it now?

by Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Chair, Woodcraft Folk part of International Falcon Movement – Socialist Education International Introduction The World Youth Conference was meant to be a follow on from 12 years ago and the last conference on youth held in Lisbon, moving the agenda forward and building on...

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by Lloyd on 28.08.10

Reflecting on the World Youth Confernce

Well what a week - we embarked on the first World Youth Conference for 12 years and while what may have come out be disappointing we have learnt a lot and must now build on the positive lessons. You can read the governmental and NGO declaration here A quick skim...

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by Lloyd on 28.08.10

Say it Aloud! Day:5 // Post-Conference chit chat

Say it Aloud! Day:5 // Post-Conference chit chat from European Youth Forum on Vimeo. In this video, I am still recovering from the shock of agreeing anything. I think that we are far to positive about the whole process an the outcome which puts us backward on many points not forward. Anyway still...

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by Lloyd on 27.08.10

The Final Declaration

This morning the "final draft" of the declaration we are now discussing it - on the floor but there has been no Spanish or French versions presented and some delegates are a bit annoyed at this. The governments are demanding 30 minutes to read the document so that we can approve it but the chair...

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by Lloyd on 27.08.10

The final push though the night drafting – what will it come to?

Well the time has come for the final push - so I went along to the Western European Governments meeting to see how we can move along. The final draft (still to be agreed with minor amendments) was presented and we went line by line. What is clear is that the governments are as pissed off at the...

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by Lloyd on 26.08.10

Present your statment to legislators – get lost!

The scandal of the NGO statement and young people voice being repressed unravelled further today at the World Youth Congress. The Organisation of Ibero-American government had agreed to sponsor and pay for the travel and accommodation of a delegation of young people to travel to Mexico city to...

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by Lloyd on 26.08.10

Will the person with the final NGO decleration please stand up.

Well what a cock up - when presenting the final NGO deceleration they have forgot to add all the amendments that were agreed! Instead they presented a mix of the old and new one. When this was realised, and after another night re-drafting the final documents are finally available and can be...

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by Lloyd on 26.08.10

Goverments Foum opens and it all heats up!

Well after the first day of the Governmental Forum things have been a bit rocky but with some successes. The Government forum opened up with a fan fare of video and media - very inexpressive a good looking TV presenter introduced this in an over excited way and the forum was started. While...

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by Lloyd on 25.08.10

Say it Aloud! Day:2 // (Youth) MDGs?

Say it Aloud! Day:2 // (Youth) MDGs? from European Youth Forum on

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by Lloyd on 25.08.10

The last day of the NGO forum

Well Mexico continues to surprise! Today we have had shouting, filibustering, pro-life campaigners the Mexican government threatening the pull the youth conference and a 6 hour plenary meeting to tray and agree everything! It started off with a plenary where we presented what we had so far from...

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by Lloyd on 24.08.10

Day two – going beyond two genders.

Well what an interesting day. I haven't got long, but for those who are following me on twitter I hope that you have a bit of a feeling of what is happening here. We have had a pro-life protest at the gates of the conference in the morning and then at the opening ceremony a jerry springer style...

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by Lloyd on 23.08.10

A Massive Conference Centre but not so massive turn out – Gender Equality part 1

Well the World Youth Conference starts tomorrow and things haven't been looking so good today. Out of 400 youth participants that were meant to attend it looks like less than 200 will be able to get here. This is not to say that the other 200 didn't try, many of them got Visas, travelled and are...

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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