Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven

National Union of Students

by Lloyd on 26.03.09

A march for Free Education but NUS fails to step forward

On a cold February morning about 60 students from Bradford set off to London to make their mark in the start of the free education ahead of the government review on University fees.With mounting evidence that graduates will not earn significantly higher than non-graduates the reasons for going to...

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by Lloyd on 07.02.09

Stop the War meeting and Occupations

Over the last few weeks, and going in to months now occupations about Gaza have been happening up and down the country. This amazing act of solidarity has seen almost 20 Universities occupied from Scotland to Brighton even spreading to New York.The movement needed to come together - share ideas,...

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by Lloyd on 21.10.08

Report for Unoin Council

Well what a year it has been, we have had a stronger Welcome week, a packed programme and more engagement. I want to draw councillors attention to three things. National Union of Students and Elections We have just had the elections of the National Union of Students Delegates as well as other...

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by Lloyd on 21.09.08

Call for a national demonstration against top-up fees and for living grants, spring 2009

Please support this statement and get involved in organising the demonstration I am part of Education not for Sale a campaigning and anti-capitalist part of the student movement in the UK to find out more then please go to – a right not a privilege No to...

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by Lloyd on 11.07.08

A bright future for UBU but will NUS get it right?

I've just come out of the University Council meeting where the Union presented it's way forward for both services and finances.It was I would say a success but it still has its dangers along in the process of greater collaboration for the Union and the University. I have always believed in reform I...

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by Lloyd on 08.06.08

Education Not for Sale – Campaigning on what matters.

At the first committee meeting of the new ENS we discussed things that actually matter. ENS was reinvigorated at its “Reclaim the Campus” Conference held last month at Birkbeck College the conference defended in to factional infighting, leading to me calling for us to save the left before we...

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by Lloyd on 07.06.08

Students fighting Climate Change

University of Sussex Students' Union held the national gathering of students for Climate Change and the Student Movement this weekend. The meeting was really an achievement for a students' union to hold such an event.The speakers on the days where really great. I was totally impressed in how Sussex...

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by Lloyd on 18.05.08

Reclaim the left

Education Not for Sale (ENS) and its incarnation as the broad platform is something of much debate at the Reclaim the Campus conference at Birkbeck College.On Saturday about 50 students from around the UK representing radical students from up and down the college gathering to work out the terms of...

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by Lloyd on 05.04.08

National Union of Students? or Factions!

Well we have arrived back from the NUS Annual Conference. I will write later on I'm more detail about it all but the basics are that the Governance didn't pass!What review I hear you cry! Well that my be exactly the point. The NEC (or well the Labour and OI part of the NEC) pushed forward plans for...

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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