Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven


by Lloyd on 05.04.19

Confirmatory Public Vote

Every day, the Brexit process delivers something more unbelievable than the last.  Sometimes this takes the form of living satire, like yesterday when the House of Commons is forced to suspend its sitting because it is literally raining inside. Sometimes it takes a more alarming form. If we...

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by Lloyd on 21.01.19

EU Settlement Scheme

From today,  EU citizens in the UK must apply to stay in your homes. My message to Europeans in my constituency is, this is your home and you are welcome here. This is a difficult day for all EU citizens, and it is shaming that you must apply to remain our friends, colleagues, family, and...

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by Lloyd on 10.01.19

European Union (Withdrawal) Act Debate

Viscerally, something had been taken from me, and not for others to gain from, but to be destroyed and torn up. My rights, my citizenship, my culture—all had been ripped away from me and many of my constituents. On my way home on that miserable morning, I of course went to my local shop. I...

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by Lloyd on 12.01.16

Response to “We Tories are all Eurosceptics now”: The tories are putting their ideology above democracy

Letter "We Tories are all Eurosceptics now": Why the tories are putting their ideology above democracy Dear Editor, I read with interest John Redwood's article this weekend in the Financial Times ("We Tories are all Eurosceptics now", 8th January 2016). Mr Redwood claims that we would be more...

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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