Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven


by Lloyd on 23.05.12

IMF tells Tories – Growth not Austerity

Ed Milliband and Ed balls were right after all, The French say it, The Greeks shout it but no one wanted to Listen to Labour,.Austerity doesn’t work, cut to hard and too fast and you ruin the economy, put people on the dole and blight the future of our young people. The International Monetary...

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by Lloyd on 08.03.12

A Million Young People Unemployed

A MILLION YOUNG PEOPLE NOW UNEMPLOYED UNDER THE TORIES With over a million young people now out of work, Labour has launched a clear plan to create and support new jobs for the next generation. The Tories’ economic policies have resulted in over 1 million young people now being unemployed. In...

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by Lloyd on 07.03.12

Add your Labour or Union Meeting or Event to our events calendar

Look out for our new Labour Movement Events Calendar, you can add events here (they will need to be approved). So if you have an event you want listing please submit via our events page. Don’t forget to give time and location details so we can add the location to or database and get google...

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by Lloyd on 09.01.12

There is no place like home

 You may have heard the news that under this Tory-led Government, there has been a 17% increase in the number of families losing their homes. These aren’t just dry statistics – they are real families facing homelessness.  The Government must change course, stop cutting too far and too fast...

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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