Former Labour & Co-operative Member of Parliament, Kemptown & Peacehaven


by Lloyd on 06.06.18

Youth (Services and Provisions)

It enhances the readiness for learning in the classroom and learning in life, but it does not only help young people in the classroom; it also helps them to develop the skills and attitudes that are needed for the employment about which the Prime Minister was so boastful today, and, of course, for...

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by Lloyd on 30.05.18

Ian Austin

It was in the chamber during a debate on the latest bombing of Syria that Ian Austin MP asked me “what do you know, newbie?” and told me that I should “go back to Brighton with Momentum” who he said have “never really ever been Labour”. It was unfortunately with little surprise then...

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by Lloyd on 21.05.18

Tenant Fees Bill

I have some news for the Conservative Members, however, because we had a new manifesto in 2017, which was even more popular than our 2015 manifesto: it led to their losing seats and to our gaining them. The 2017 manifesto went even further: “Labour will make new three-year tenancies the norm,...

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by Lloyd on 17.05.18

International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia Speech

I can marry whomever I want to, if anyone would want to marry me, of course—applications on a postcard. I can date a person in the style that I want, including online, and of course, consensually I can sleep with who I want without fear of persecution. However, the same cannot be said in many...

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by Lloyd on 01.05.18

Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill [Lords]

We know that this has been happening thanks to the investigative work of Amnesty International and other non-governmental organisations. In 2014, Ukrainian-based S-Profit Ltd, which was registered here in the UK, was named by the South Sudanese Government as brokering a £44 million small arms...

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by Lloyd on 21.04.18

Erasmus + Debate

Mr Speaker, I beg to move. That this house urges the government to negotiate continued access to the Erasmus plus program and all its successors schemes beyond 2020. Almost two years on from the EU referendum, the government has not yet answered key questions: such as how will we continue to...

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by Lloyd on 17.04.18

Livestock Worrying: Sussex

I think it’s important that I put on the record the contribution the farming industry makes to Sussex and indeed the whole country. Farming contributes over £140 million to Sussex’s economy and employs 8500 people permanently as well as offering employment to thousands of seasonal...

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by Lloyd on 16.04.18


On the diplomatic strategy, resolution 377A of the General Assembly—the “Uniting for Peace” resolution—would allow this Government to convene an emergency session of the GA to seek a majority there. If that majority was found, it would provide a level of backing under international law that...

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by Kate Harvey on 05.04.18

Public Meetings

Please find below a message from Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP, and RSVP for the two upcoming public meetings he is hosting for women in the Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven constituency born in the 1950s and affected by pension changes. Please only RSVP for one of the events, and when you register,...

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by Lloyd on 29.03.18

International Development: Education

They have trialled a number of alternative models of education: one whereby they have used Bridge International Academies, which we touch on in the report; one whereby they use local NGOs as providers; and one whereby they use completely non-profit international NGOs. When we spoke to some of the...

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by Lloyd on 26.03.18

National Security and Russia

It has often been misinterpreted—I hope not deliberately, but one can never judge that totally—but it has been about ​proportionality and ensuring that we do not get ahead of ourselves and refrain from unnecessarily inflaming language such as, “Shut up and go away.” It is also worth...

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by Lloyd on 21.03.18

UK-EU: International Development

I will briefly touch on a number of issues, which supplement those that have already been raised, and which are particularly about the co-ordination of non-governmental organisations. At the moment, Britain and London are one of the leading hubs for NGOs and aid organisations around the world....

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by Lloyd on 18.03.18

Labour’s Foreign Policy

Almost all media bandwidth is recent months has been taken up with Brexit and our benighted Prime Minister’s attempts to not appear completely paralysed by the political events rapidly overtaking her. While Theresa May commands no power and has singularly failed to show who she is or for what...

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by Lloyd on 16.03.18

Millennials and the Government’s Transport Policy

It was with great fanfare last Autumn that the chancellor, Philip Hammond, announced he was extending discount railcards to those aged 26 to 30, offering 4.5m travellers a third off their off-peak tickets. Finally, after years of mistreatment – tripling their tuition fees, raising their VAT,...

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by Lloyd on 07.03.18

UK Sales of Surveillance Equipment

With the notable exception of people suspected of terrorism offences, Britons – although subject to blanket state eavesdropping – are safe from arbitrary arrest, torture or extrajudicial execution. The same cannot be said for the citizens of dozens of states to which Britain is approving the...

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by Lloyd on 20.02.18

Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill

The arms export regime we operate in this country is, of course, underpinned by EU consolidated criteria. There is no mention of consolidated criteria or of bringing the arms licensing regulations into a system such as the sanctions regulations. It is, I suggest, a great shame. The Bill does not...

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by Lloyd on 30.01.18

Erasmus Plus Programme: Youth and Sport

The Minister for Universities has stated that the Government intend to negotiate some sort of continued access with Erasmus Plus and its successor. However, the Government’s intentions remain unclear on the youth elements of the programme that are part of Erasmus now but may be separated...

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by Lloyd on 17.01.18

Drug Consumption Rooms

Let us take Sydney as an example. In 1999, the Kings Cross area of Sydney was known particularly for its large number of overdoses and deaths. In the British national picture, I see similar patterns in parts of Brighton and Hove. I remember visiting Sydney at that time, and it was a problem. Drug...

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by Lloyd on 20.12.17

Arms Trade and Brexit

As the spectre of Brexit emerges, so do the first meaningful signs of the Tory vision of “building a global Britain”. The Department for International Trade, set up by Theresa May to put some flesh on the bones of her slogan, has prioritised arms sales for Britain’s post-Brexit industrial...

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by Lloyd on 18.12.17

Finance (No. 2) Bill

I know the Minister says that he has better data than the OBR, but I tend to believe the OBR, which was set up by the Conservative Government to provide independent analysis, over the books that are cooked in the Treasury— Yes, the books that are cooked in the Treasury. What we need are clear...

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by Lloyd on 14.12.17

Dispelling the Re-Selections Tension

This year’s national conference in Brighton saw Labour embark on an ambitious and much-needed review of party democracy. The review aims to “ensure that the hugely expanded membership is fully involved to become a mass movement which can transform society”. In that context, it is...

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by Lloyd on 23.11.17

Budget Resolutions

Instead, we heard that councils could borrow an extra £1 billion for home building, even though £20 billion would be available if the cap was scrapped; that we would remove stamp duty for people who can afford houses—nice if someone has the money to start with, but no help if people are just...

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by Lloyd on 07.11.17

Paradise Papers

Last year it was the Panama-based Mossack Fonseca, this year it is the Bermuda-based Appleby. Major “offshore legal service providers” offering transnational corporations and super-rich individuals a place to sink untaxed income have had their client lists leaked to the press. Naturally,...

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by Lloyd on 26.10.17

Global LGBT Rights

The reports of a Government crackdown are worrying. I remember raising the reports of a Government crackdown in Azerbaijan in 2006, after one of my first visits there. The ambassador’s comments are reassuring, but we need more than just warm words. We need some concrete action from the Azeri...

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Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Kemptown and Peacehaven

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